Spring clean your donor database

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

The start of spring is a great reminder to:

>>> clean and review what processes you have in place to care for your donors

>>> audit your donor database to discover new opportunities

>>> set a new vision and forward journey for different donor groups/giving tiers (don’t just plan for the top 10% or follow the 80/20 rule)

A donor database is an essential tool when it comes to donor care. One of the fastest ways to lose a donor is to let them feel like they are not valued or important. Personalisation is key to advancing relationships. While a donor database is an essential tool when it comes to donor-care, it can also be a massive liability if not carefully managed.

Conversations with clients and industry colleagues in recent weeks has revealed a general feeling of paralysis.  Uncertainty and upheaval in the fundraising environment has them questioning their strategies and approach.

A great way to kick off spring is to audit your Donor Database - the 3P’s: processes, people (donors) and performance ($/ROI/CoA etc).

Alternatively, you can undertake a Fundraising Audit & Review (which is one of OKP’s most popular and valuable services, with the greatest potential for positive impact on fundraising success).  This comprehensive audit offers a strategic process of evaluation designed to enhance organisational performance and identify opportunities for growth. It comprises a thorough, independent and expert review of your success, challenges and current environment, while taking into account the organisation’s unique values, budget, available resources, market position, past achievements and future objectives.

Experience, knowledge and honest evaluation are a magic combination with the power to
expand horizons, drive innovation and unlock hidden potential.

Before you decide how to ‘spring’ into action - here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. When did you last audit your donor database? 3 years ago…is just too long ago! Lots of new opportunities can be discovered from within! Mega gifts, major gifts, renewal opportunities, corporate leads, patron and ambassador candidates etc.

  2. Have you addressed all of the recommendations set out in your last Fundraising Audit & Review? Did you gain efficiencies, maximise resources and realise new opportunities in the last year?

  3. Are you reviewing donor database and/or financial reports often enough? (ps…fortnightly isn’t too often).

  4. Can you see a ‘last results comments’ when you look up a donor’s record? Fast track stewardship activities with this simple feature!

  5. Does our organisation have an agreed system in place for capturing incoming data and coding donors? If you have multiple people accessing your database have a list of ‘dos and don’ts’ checklist for everyone to refer to – this ensures consistency in recording information and makes future planning activities more efficient.

  6. How do you record and act on returned mail or emails that bounce-back? Are you losing opportunities?

  7. Does your organisation actively plan for mid-tier donors? Historically, many organisations have gone about setting goals and programs for new donors and major donors. Mid-level donors could help you advance faster towards your fundraising goals.

  8. Do you have a balanced portfolio of activities? If your organisation is generating 70+% of its income from one source, it’s time to start mapping your risk and beefing up other revenue streams.

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
Margaret Atwood


Research Before Fundraising Action


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