Gambling is risky! Fundraising Audits reveal truths & unrealised potential


Australians love to gamble! Gambling is risky!

While the philanthropic sector is maturing and growing so too is the gambling sector.

Did you know gambling expenditure is positioned within the household budgets of low, middle and high-income households?

Lotteries and instant scratch tickets are the most popular activities (spending $248 per year on average). Those who gambled on Electronic Gaming Machines, gambled on races, sports and at casino table games spend a great deal more per year (greater than $1,000). That’s more than Australian Tax Payers donate on average per year ($764.08) with the exception of Western Australian Tax Payers, who have the highest average donation ($1,496.61). Now, we all know not all donations are tracked - not all Australians claim their giving and many donations fall under the radar!

For charities and not for profit organisations, gambling with their limited resources is both risky and irresponsible.  So what can you do to reduce your risk? The list is endless…

… risk assessment

… sound fiscal planning

… refresh your game plan

… scan the market - “test the waters” before you take the plunge!

… audit your current programs, performance and people (the 3 P’s)

To gain maximise fundraising income, organisations must be aware of the risks involved in their fundraising efforts and take steps to mitigate them. 

A comprehensive Fundraising Audit is a great starting point. Audits reveal truths, challenges, risks & unrealised potential!

We have been undertaking aduits on behalf of our clients for more than 30 years and earned an excellent reputation for reports that are insightful, relevant and most importantly honest. Feel free to get in touch - 1300 721 799.


Leading by example - giving back. Time, treasure & talent.


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